
An Apple II computer with external disk drives is set among a glowing-pink cat, who is lying down on the left, and a multi-colored succulent in a black pot on the right. There is a neon pink grid of perspective squares comprising the floor beneath and low-poly digitized mountain ranges in the background with neon blue trim lines. The words Re:Code are centered at the top in a large white font that is in a stylized digital form.


NYU Tisch School of The Arts: Interactive Media Arts

IMNY-UT 281 002 - Topics in Media Art: Re:Code

Fall, 2023

Class time & location:

Tue / Thu, 10:40am - 12:10pm
370 Jay St (Brooklyn Campus), 4th floor, Room 410

Instructor contact:

Billy Bennett
drop-in hours: Mon // Fri, 10 - 11am
make an appointment // join by zoom

GA contact:

Lucia Gomez (GA)
drop-in hours: Mon 5 - 6pm, Thr 1 - 2pm
make an appointment // join by zoom
or let me know if you’d like to meet in person at 370 Jay St

For additional assistance outside of class, please check out the Coding Lab for help. They are a student-run organization that helps students with their code. You can book an appointment online on their website. They also host workshops and other events throughout the semester.


Creative Coding is a requirement to take this class. Certain exceptions can be made if a student can demonstrate proficiency or for other certain circumstances.

Course Objectives

Students in this course will:

Course Outline

Here is a link to the updated course outline. The information below is preliminary.

Introduction - Whuuuut(s)?
Module 1 - Foundations (HTML / CSS)
Module 2 - Vanilla & Asynchronous Javascript
Module 3 - Working with External Libraries
Module 4 - Working with Graphics & Pixels
Module 5 - Coding with Generative AI
Module 6 - Developing Locally
Module 7 - Using Git and Github
Module 8 - Working outside the browser
Module 9 - Progressive Web Apps
Module 10 - Simple Web Servers

Grading Policy

Assignments - 60%

Reading & Writing - 20%

Class Participation - 20%

Grading Methodology

Assignments are a chance for you to demonstrate you understanding of the material and for you to have a creative outlet for your work that you would want to be a part of your creative portfolio. You will be graded on how well you satisfy the constraints of the assignment with special attention given to creativity and the attention to detail. And please note the role that documentation plays here. Exceptional output should be accompanied with exceptional documentation and conceptual explanation.

This is in line with the idea of a labor-based grading system, where the emphasis is not simply placed solely on the “right answer,” but how much effort the student has put into making progress. This includes documenting one’s process, including any errors encountered along the way, which benefits those in the class as well as the community at large.

So even if you are struggling with “getting it to work,” I want to see that you are taking advantage of the resources available to you, are making good use of your time and are communicative where you are finding difficulty. I don’t think any student’s grade should suffer because they are not getting the help they need!


Turn in your assignments on this Google form.

Specific requirements for assignments:

Attendance Policy

I will take attendance throughout the semester on a regular basis. The university also has clear policies on what to do in the case of illness or excused absences. Please refer to their policies as outlined below.

You are allowed up to three (3) unexcused absences throughout the semester, but you are responsible for making up any course work or assignments that you miss. You may use drop-in hours for this purpose. For each unexcused absence beyond three, you will begin to drop a letter grade per absence, so please communicate with me before this takes place.

In regards to tardiness, please notify me immediately if you will have issues getting to 370 Jay St. on time. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will be counted absent for the day.

ITP/IMA Code of Conduct

Let’s take a minute to discuss the ITP/IMA Code of Conduct. This important information will inform much of how we conduct ourselves in the classroom in how we approach our work and one another as well as the context in which we find ourselves.


Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work as though it were your own. More specifically, plagiarism is to present as your own: A sequence of words quoted without quotation marks from another writer or a paraphrased passage from another writer’s work or facts, ideas or images composed by someone else. More information can be found on Tisch’s page regarding Academic Integrity (


Academic accommodations are available for students with documented disabilities. Please contact the Moses Center for Students with Disabilities at 212 998-4980 for further information.


Your health and safety are a priority at NYU. If you experience any health or mental health issues during this course, we encourage you to utilize the support services of the 24/7 NYUWellness Exchange 212-443-9999.


Tisch School of the Arts to dedicated to providing its students with a learning environment that is rigorous, respectful, supportive and nurturing so that they can engage in the free exchange of ideas and commit themselves fully to the study of their discipline. To that end Tisch is committed to enforcing University policies prohibiting all forms of sexual misconduct as well as discrimination on the basis of sex and gender.



This class does not have an official textbook, although a number of assignments will come from the following texts which are freely available in digital or physical form at the NYU Library:

Here is also a great reference text from the creators of p5.js and Processing, respectively:

On The Web

What’s great about Code as a Creative Medium and Generative Design is that they have online components with code examples that you can explore:

Here are a number of handy resources we will be using throughout the class:

I know some others of you have also expressed interest in learning other languages. I can certainly vouch for this Google tutorial on learning Python.

Class Dates

You can check our upcoming class dates here.