

Working with Data

One of the most fundamental functions of a server is working with user data. Here we will mimic an experience I once had while driving through the hills of Virginia, on my way back home to Georgia from NY. There was a call-in radio show where residents of this small town spoke for a few seconds to simply tell their phone number, an item they had to give away for free and a short description, and their phone number again, perhaps repeated once more by the DJ, and then the next resident came on the line. On it went like this for half an hour. And that was the whole show! It was such a heart-warming and simple treat - and the accents! :)

We can create something similiar using Express.js and HTML forms. Below is an example form that we can put into any HTML page. Notice the action attribute. Once the form is submitted, this is the route that our server will need to be listening at in order to receive the form data.

<!-- CLIENT HTML -->
    <form action="/submit" method="post">
        <label for="name">Name:</label>
        <input type="text" id="name" name="name" required>

    <!-- ... -->


In Express.js, we can set up a basic post route to listen for /submit requests and console.log the body of those request to see what all we get. It’s a good idea to check though if there is a req.body or else you’ll crash the server. We’ll also need to add some middleware to help us process the form data. Here’s an example:

// server javascript"/submit", (req, res) => {
    if(req.body) {

The output to the console will look something like this. The name value in the HTML will be the key in the JSON, e.g. name="name" will be { name: <user input> } and name="item" will be { item: <user input> }:

form data with no image

// middleware for parsing application/json

// middleware for parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));

Let’s check out the starter project and talk more about building this application out. The next things we’d like to do is:

1) Add a database so we can save posts that users make.
- tools required: nedb
2) Have a listings page where users can see all the community posts.
- tools required: ejs
3) Add the ability for users to upload pictures to their posts.
- tools required: multer

The fully completed project is also available for you to check out.