
Forking a repo

Forking a repo can be a way to work collaboratively on a project without having explicit permission from the original author. Forking will make a copy of that repo to your own account where you are free to modify and change the code as you wish, whereas cloning a repo will not allow you to push your local changes to your Github account, only copy the original code and save the changes locally. Furthermore, once you make a fork and push new changes, you can make a pull request to the original repo, if desired.

To FORK a repo, do the following:

  1. Follow the link to the repo HERE.
  2. Click the FORK button.

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  1. Choose a name, org, etc. and click “Create Fork”
  2. Now you have created a copy of the repo under your own account.
  3. Clone THIS FORK as normal, git clone and the URL of your fork.

Now when you make changes, you can commit and push them to your own fork as you wish.