
Class website for Hacking Audio Hardware.

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Hacking Audio Hardware

TO DO Items

“TO DO” items are weekly action items that fall under your Class Participation Grade (15%). These help you stay prepared for each class and are usually given at the end of each week’s slides.


Assignments are given periodically and fall under the Blog and Documentation (25%) category of grading. They are given throughout the semester and should be posted to your blog with the proper documentation as per the assignment. These can be found below and are included in the slides for the week they were assigned.

Assignment 1

Set Up Blog - Due Sept. 14th

Set up your blog and add it to this sheet.

Assignment 2

My First Oscillator (Variation) - Due Sept. 28th

Try one of the following:

Post a video of the resulting experiment to your blog with notes on the process. Even if you fail, show your work and explain what you think has gone wrong. Mistakes can be very instructive.

Here are some helpful notes: There are a number of choices for resistors listed on pg 103 of our textbook - Handmade Electronic Music, 3rd Ed. Here are some of them:*

handy chart

Assignment 3

Build a new CMOS circuit - Due Oct 19th

Some guidance:
💻 Use a battery-powered speaker like we did in class.
💻 Talk about what worked and what didn’t.
💻 Did you have to substitute parts?
💻 Did you have to purchase anything? If so, where from and how much was it?
💻 Did it turn out the way you had hoped?

📝 Here is a list of great online resources for learning more about CMOS chips and finding schematics.